Its on Sen'jin because I'm Australian and play Oceanic servers mostly, so no one I know there.
Thought I'd offer, just so people know.
So, if anyone wants to make an alt and join or already are on the server whisper "Prissysisboi" or use the in-game mail to tell me if you want to join. Due to being Oceanic, it might be a little awkward and since I can only play that toon when the RealID friend who doesn't know about my sissy-side is not on I'm not always on but if you mail me we can be on at the same time.
To summarise:
Whisper/mail Prissysisboi for invite to Sissy Frilly Fairy.
Would have a cute guild crest for tabard, but bug is wiping it. :(
Edit: Stupid me, forgot to add its a Horde guild. But if anyone wants to make an Alliance guild too, I'm up for it.
Alliance toon: Sablight
Another Edit: Please place a reply here if you're gonna join so I know who to look out for.