All R Worst Adult Diaper
What is the worst adult diaper you have tried?
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I am wondering what is the worst adult diaper anyone has tried on and worn. I bought a whole case of Medline Protection Plus and can't wear them.
First they are very small for a medium with up to 42" waist. I would rate these diapers as being the right size for a small 12 year old.
The material is soft but the diaper is more like a guard or pad. The matting does not come up far enough either. Way too much plastic against the skin.
I used to like Depends and Attends, both are now so thin you can see thru them.
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I agree, I loved depends, but now they can't do anything for me. And nothing about me has changed, it is just the fact that they have gotten thinner. :( I knew I should have bought them when I saw a bunch for a cheap discontinued price.
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