Working towards a new me.
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well, to start off my girlfriend just left me (and no she had no clue about this) so I'm going to start to work towards my ideal sissy self, first and foremost, is too lose weight (230 to eventually 170 range) Im already in workout classes 5 days out of the week for aerobics, but I seem to, no matter how much I dislike it, continue my horrible eating habbits.

If anyone out there knows anything that can help me work towards a new sissyish me, please post, I look forward to all the comments and tips   
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firstly, you need to get a grip on your eating habbits. i know its hard. im currently sapposed to be on a diet but i havent really stuck to it. i weigh 160 and im trying to get back my ideal weight of around 130-145.

what really makes it hard is how expensive health food is. the less healthy it is the cheaper it is, so it seems anyway. and me being still in high school doesnt help. school food is far fom healthy.

but my best advice is just keep up the aerobics and try to stick to a good diet, thats about the best thing you can do.
one thing I recently learned and well it might not be much but it was surprising to me is an easy way to lose wieght especially like belly fat is to lower your sugar intake. And its surprising how common sugar is in so many things what we think of as being healthy such as fruits like bananas, oranges, and in health foods like smoothies or yogurt. I would see if you could just cut back on some of the sweets and see if that helps. Have fun with the aerobics class 
Both of what the two people above have said is true, but I am gonna give you a little filtered advice from a tiny screwed up part in my brain.

Willpower is the key, and you must have a clear goal in sight. Once you hit that goal weight, you need to keep at it for at least 6-12 months so that it becomes your body's new "set point", once you achive this, you won't find yourself putting the lbs back on so easly. And you will find you are probably hungry less.

If you can, I highly suggest taking sugar out of your diet, and when working out burning a minimum of 1/3rd of your daily cal intake, and I suggest you start counting your cals and tapering them off, but don't go below say 1500 or 1400 a day without consulting a certified nutritionist because of your current weight.

You first main goal is to deplete the sugar reserves in your liver. It contains about three days worth. Once you deplete this, you can begin to loose 1/2 lb a day (for 2-3 weeks safely, then about 1/4th a day without putting your body through too much stress) with enough willpower to keep you from slipping up. There's a couple of ways to go about this. One of them is to simply fast for three days, followed by then going on a reduced cal diet, with little to no sugar in it and an added workout per day. Feel free to work out more than once per day. Yes muscle weighs more than fat, but it is a lot more flattering to look lean and a little toned than to look overweight (at least right now in current american society). For every cal you work out over your daily requirement, feel free to have healthy snack equal to that amount. Make sure to take a multi vitamin with minerals too each day and also drink plenty of water if it is hot when you work out.

To change your eating habits you need do no more than make a conscious decision to do so and then to force yourself to eat the healthier food until you are used to it.

However you could set up a weight loss goal chart and whenever you reach certain weights, you are allowed some kind of sissy reward. This external reinforcement might help your willpower out if it is failing you right now.

I found the easiest and most mindless way to lose cals was to walk on the treadmil, just as fast as I could below a jog (I have a bad knee I didn't want bouncing pressure on) and then I would do it at like a 6 degree incline or more. Then put on a music player and do that for hours at a time. Sure it's mindless, but it helps get rid of some of those nasty cals you are intaking. Or read a book while you do the same (if you can safely). I used to read tons of books on the treadmil. Another great way to make the time working out melt away while the fat does too.
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