PG 13 A whole lotta suggestions
Doesn't the title kinda give it away?
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How about some Summer clothing for the Sissykiss Boutique? I didn't see anything that screamed "Summer" when I browsed the store.

How about some adult baby diapers for the Boutique too? I was dissapointed that everything in the Boutique was perfect for a little girl, but didn't see any actual diapers.

Can anybody write another interactive story like I am writing? A couple other sissies have used that style, but I'd like to see more.

How about some captioned pics showing a guy transformed into a baby girl by sequence. (Ex. first normal, gets smaller, pants shrink into skirt, top shrinks, breasts grow, diaper forms, etc.)

I think there should be a forum catagory about personal forced feminization techniques/stories

I'd like to see more items in the SchoolGirl catagory of the Boutique.

It would also be better if the boutique sold a wider array of wigs and haircare products.

I'll stop complaining now, but if you agree then reply that u do
To Be a Sissy or not to be a Sissy-
That is the question.

"Really? Because I'd say To Be a Sissy! Diaper me, Please!"
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