What's wonderful?
what' wonderful for you?
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With all the depressing stories in media these days, how about a change? Tell me, what"s wonderful? It could be something about you, your friends, or the world in general.

I would say: what's wonderful is the comforting feeling of lots of fur; the sight of the sun rising over the sea, and something I saw on tv last night, a stranger comforting a child.

So... what do you think is wonderful?
Hello Kitty can never be taken too far...
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The warm sun, the soft grass, and the beautiful scenery...

Especially when you feel all that under hairless, stocking covered legs, slightly wetting your diaper while you laugh with your best friend, having a picnic in the park. Everyone accepting that you are who you want to be, not who you were born to steriotypically be.
love. love is wonderful. wether its between two people of the opposite sex or same. or hell even a guy and a pillow(seriously, a guy married a pillow.)
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
Baby Butch
Staying at the Marriot Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale. Waking in a wet bed and an alarm goes off at the front desk. The hotel nursing staff comes to the room and let themselves in. Then I am bathed, dried off, spanked, and diapered forcefully. Must conform to hotel policy. : )
Waking on a day where I am totally free, pampering myself with a facial, and a long hot bath with lots of bubbles, and then getting dressed and then spending the day like that, with numerous changes off course.

Also and completly different, riding my bike in the sunshine through the countryside, where everything is flowing and the bike and I are in unison, like it is part of me. Smelling the scents, which are always more clear on a bike, of the forests and hills. Then I just take each corner as it comes, its like nothing else. Actually there is, its like skiing but times 100.

Sissy Tammy

I am in the process off re-releasing my pink, lacey side.

My short term aim is to improve wardrobe, figure and attend BBB. Long term, meet some strong men, who like sissy girls, and also, make lots of sissy friends.
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