PG 13 went shoe shopping!
had a blast!
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so the other day, me and a cousin of mine went shoe shopping. we spent practically the whole day riding around town trying on shoes! it was SO much fun!

it was kinda hard to find heels in my size and my thumbs started to hurt from trying on so many shoes, but i didnt care. i was having to much fun.

after 6 hours of shopping i settled on a pair of black and white polka dot shoes with a 5 inch heel. there adorable! i'll try to get some pics up soon.

also, no one really seemed all the shocked by seeing a guy trying on heels. i got a few weird looks here and there, but no one actually said anything.

i guess there was really no reason to be so nervous about the whole thing.
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
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Congratulations sweetie!! I am not brave enought to try on my heels at the store, but who knows, may be I'll be able to do it one day. Kisses!
you'll never find the perfect pair of heels if you dont try them on! you gotta be brave!

it was funny, the old lady at the register was going on and on about how "if she doesnt like them or they dont fit her feet, tell her she can return them and she'll get a full refund.

i never said they were for anyone else, and i have to imagine she saw me trying them on. the isle they were on has a clear view of the register and its a pretty small store. all i could think was "trust me, she'll love them!" hehehe. ;)
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
That's true! I will do it one day because you can never have enough heels. Kisses!
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