PG Went out en femme today
Put on skirt, hose & heels and had lunch out
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Today, Sunday the 5th, I finally had the opportunity to dress in a flower-patterned skirt, pink top, nude pantyhose and have lunch at a Cosi restaurant not far from me. To look and feel more femme, I put on a woman's bathing suit under my skirt & top. It makes me look like I have breasts. 

I had no problems with the restaurant staff. My only complaint is, their Wi-Fi service wouldn't allow me to access Sissykiss. I would have loved to post about this as it was happening!

Skirts and hose and heels and hair-free arms and legs 4ever!
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Wow that sounds amazing!  I bet you looked super girly  
Baby Butch
Yes that would have been icing on the cake if you could have posted from there. Sounds like a wonderful time you had Prissie. Might become a little more daring myself again one of these days. : )

I went door to door passing out flyers for my old business with panties and pantyhose on under my men's slacks and shirt. Problem was dogs kept scaring me so I stopped before getting bitten dressed this way.
Panties and hose under en homme business clothes? That's what I do two days a week. The other three I have on ladies underwear minus the hose. But its still better than boring men's underwear.

Sorry you had to stop wearing what you want under your en homme clothes, for fear of being taken to hospital with feminine underwear. I heard stories years ago about how a certain percentage of male hospital admittees were found to be wearing feminine rather than masculine underwear. So it wouldn't have been anything to be ashamed of. My main fear, would be whatever injury or illness it was that made the hospital necessary.
Baby Butch
@ Prissie
  What I was afraid of was if I got a dog bite my neighbors would see my pantyhose if they checked my bite. I lived in this same neighborhood for years and kept my desires secret.

You are right that I would not want to end up at the hospital in panties and pantyhose. That too would be embarrassing!
Jennifer Funshine
Congratulations Prissie! I'm so very proud of you! I was just about to post a similar experience I had when I found your thread here. *huggles close* It always makes me happy when I see other sissies being true to themselves and really expressing their hearts out in the open.  
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