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Baby Butch
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October 8th, 2021 ~ 2:09 am
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PG 13 Weekend Therapeutic Retreat
Letting go of shame, embarrassment, fear, and guilt Improving self-acceptance and self-esteem Help educating romantic partners who struggle with their interests Help educating parents who have learned of their children’s interests
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 A weekend Retreat for Adult Babies.
The main purpose of the Nursery is to help AB's come to terms with there condition and have a safe space to regress.
The client will dress as a Adult baby for the 3 days at the Retreat.
There will be a care giver that will be at the Nursery for the 3 days.
A Safe space to act as a baby and get to any trauma or Substance abuse issues,
We will offer Therapy to the AB's so they can better understand why they feel safe when they are a AB.
There will be two Nursery's with adjoining rooms for any carers,
A Therapist will be available to the AB's for Sat afternoon.
Clients will have weekend Experiences from Friday until Monday,
Overnight stays Midweek,
Gallery Images by Elite Adult Babies Nursery
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