PG I like wearing girls cardigans
I like wearing girls cardigans, does this make me a sissy?
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I like to push my boundaries a little more each day. I need encouragement and suggestions!
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 I like to push my boundaries a little more each day. I need encouragement and suggestions!  

Cardigans certainly make you a sissy. I suggest you select slight more feminine types and maybe one with a pocket on the breast.

sissy emily

 Cardigans certainly make you a sissy. I suggest you select slight more feminine types and maybe one with a pocket on the breast.

sissy emily  

Thanks Em! I have lot's of variety, some really feminine, but none with a pocket on the breast. I'll keep my eye out for one and see if I can be brave enough to wear it.
There are no set rules for being a sissy, other than enjoying feminine things. You have to find the style of sissyhood that best fits your interests. I like being a baby girl in diapers, and sometimes have fun wearing bras, panties, pantyhose, and high heels and putting on lipstick. Other people prefer to be adult sissies all the time.

If you want ideas, you might try on lingerie and see how you like it.

Perhaps you should visit the Story Time forum and see what types of stories excite you the most, or look at various other forums and see what looks like fun.
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