I want to Chat Two (a sequal)
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Well, I don't know if my earlier chat problems are fixed or not; because now whenever I click enter chat, whether from the chat lobby or from the shortcut button, my browser shuts down and I see my desktop. I'm still connected to the web and firefox always offers to restore to where I was. It happens with IE too, but I've pretty much stopped using that at all.

I'm gonna go through the steps again, but I got another Java update this weekend so I'm pretty sure I've got everything I should have.

Apologies to everyone, I will start signing in to my IM everytime I go online.

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~*Christie Luv*~
Hi Loridsisi! Are you running any extra programs in the background when this happens, or do you have a lot of extra windows open? You can check for anything that might cause your computer to be over runned (using up a bunch of CPU)
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