All R The Voodoo Doll. Parts 1-3 (Added Part 4)
A congressman ends up being possessed and dresed as a Sissy Baby Girl.
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The Voodoo Doll

By Amy Sadler © 2023


Authors Notes: This story was inspired by Voodoo By Fem Stories. This is a Reimagining and a Retelling of the tale. So all due credit goes to Fem Stories and here is where to find the original audio story:


My work is not a direct copy of her/their work, I have merely used her/their overall story idea with my usual hallmarks, so please bear this in mind before reading and commenting on this story. Thank you.


Congressman Coleman


Congressman Roy Coleman was 25 years old and of course he was an American Congressman and he wanted to run for office, like so many other congressmen before him. But he had a bit of a reputation of being a womaniser, but this could not be proven, not even by his good wife Sharlene, she was at her wits end of what to do, to break up with him without just or good cause would cause a scandal in the newspapers and also in the social media. Roy was handsome, he was 5ft 4in tall of a very slim build, he had curly blonde hair and blue eyes.


He was the model of a good Congressman, devoted, dedicated and every as bit loyal to the end and things were not looking too good for Sharlene, in fact people were calling for her to have an amicable divorce with Roy, or for him to go for the amicable divorce himself. But he stood true to his word on his loyalty and said that he would instead get specialist support for his poor deluded wife. So things did not look too good for Sharlene at all, but what could she do? Then again, what could any number of women that have come forward with so many similar claims of Roy being not only a womaniser, but disloyal and even disrespectful to these women.


But every single case that was brought before him, they failed. Roy, was for all in tense and purposes, incorruptible, untouchable even on anything that anyone tried to claim against him. But how? How could he manage to keep such a clean cut record, that was so squeaky clean, that you could shine your shoes with it, as the saying goes. No matter what anyone tried to bring him down, his followers stayed as faithful to him, as what he was faithful to them in return.


So in short, if anyone was against him, they would have to be against masses and masses of followers, his run for office was as good as assured that he would be the next President of United States of America. Sharlene however had a plan, one that could not possibly fail. One night after giving talks about what his plans were for being and becoming president, he left with a woman at his side and it was not his wife.


But this was on and for official campaign purposes only. The press was used to this and this woman was about to become yet another one of his victims. Roy seemed however, like the perfect gentleman, all the way through, but that night he did not come home, he went instead to a hotel with said woman, but he was seen leaving the hotel, so no one suspected anything at all, but in truth, the man that was dressed and looking virtually identical to Roy with the use of a perfect face mask to look like Roy’s face. He was the perfect decoy, that Roy used all of the time and it worked.

The woman woke up in her bed naked and confused. Then Roy entered into her bedroom. “Good morning my little sex slave. Last night was wonderful by the way.” Said Roy with a grin on his face, the woman before him looked confused and scared. “There has got to be some mistake, I don’t even remember last night.” Said the woman in her defence. “Ah now, that’s what they all say.” Said Roy with a sinister smile on his face, in his hand he held a remote control, with it he switched a TV on but also with the same remote, he switched on a DVD player too and he pressed play on the remote control.


An image came up on the screen showing her not at all being tipsy, just in case she tried to claim being drunk. She was very much in control of her own actions and she very much came on to him and she was the one that forced herself onto him and had him take her to her room by use of blackmail. The DVD stopped there. “See, you knew what you were doing the entire time.” Said Roy with a wicked grin on his face. Just then, security suddenly burst into the hotel room and arrested the woman, with the DVD evidence in hand, there was no hope for her, whatsoever at all.
























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Baby Butch
Roy is rotten to his wife and female victims. I hope to see Roy get what's coming to him. Interesting start to your story!
@ Baby Butch

  Yes, Roy sure is rotten to his wife and his female victims. Trust me, you're going to love what happens to him. *Giggles* All I will say is that things do build up slowly, but nicely for the devistating blow that is going to come Roy's way.

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Can't wait to find out what happens to Roy
@ Crystal43

  You are going to like what happens to him. *Giggles*

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Great start. Can't wait to read more 
@ Fluffygirl

  Don't worry, more is on it's way.

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Baby Puss
Not into politics , but this is the exception, lol. 
@ Baby Puss

  Don't worry, I'm not into polotics either, but I thought that it would be fun to have fun with a congressman. I simply could not resist the idea *Giggles*

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
I like the start to the story. Roy is a nasty piece of work I cant wait for him to get his just desserts. I don't think he is going to like what happens to him    
@ sissybabysamantha2

  Don't worry Sissybabysamantha2. Roy definitely shall get his just deserts, the final part of this story is coming up.

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Baby Butch
Wow! Part 3 gets into the Voodoo part. I was expecting pins and needles to cause pains for Roy. Amazing dress up voodoo doll with a baby outfit. Looking forward to more updates. I am thinking that image is Roy although so far only the doll is dressed up.
@ Baby Butch

  Not to worry Baby Butch one more update is on the way and you'll see the end result for yourself. As so will everyone here. Like I have said, it's a slow and gradual build up, saving the best part till last. Yeah, I like the idea of a Voodoo dress up doll, it's better than your usual type of a Voodoo doll. *Giggles*

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Baby Butch
Roy was sure humiliated by getting stuck in the same outfit as the voodoo doll. He is embarrassed because he enjoys this. Everyone knows all about Roy who avoided Jail time. Great ending with Roy becoming Sissy Baby Jessica.
@ Baby Butch

  I liked the idea that Roy could not take off the clothes that he was wearing, I had fun writting that scene. *Giggles* I also like the idea that the powers of the Voodoo Doll passed through into Sharlene, so that she can make Roy not only wear anything she wants, but do anything she wants too. *Giggles* Thank you for saying that the ending was great, I really appreciate that.

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
Great ending 
@ Fluffygirl

 I'm glad and super happy that you think that the story has a great ending too. Thank you.

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet
What a great ending It is good to see Roy had to admit to all his wrong doings. How humiliating for him to stand in front of the press dressed as a sissy baby girl. He should be happy that he will be a sissy girl for the rest of his life rather than go to jail     
@ sissybabysamantha2

  Thank you. You're the third person to say that the ending is great. I really appreciate that. Roy definitely got his just deserts. *Giggles*

*Hugs* SissyBabyPet.
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