PG Victoria's Secret SA Told Me She Loved Seeing Me
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I absolutely love shopping at Victoria's Secret, I'm on a first name basis with most of the SAs, and they usually flash their best flirty smiles when I walk in. Anyway, a few months ago, I like to cut it close to coming in VS, so it was a quarter after nine after they closed that I had gotten out. I bought the lace string bikini from Pink with a cute butterfly pattern on the butt :D

I actually had to ask Kerry (one of my favorite SAs) to snip the tag off because it got snagged on the lace fabric, so after I left the fitting rooms, I apologized for staying later, and she said "Don't worry about it, I really love seeing you here!".

Whenever it's been several weeks since I've shopped there, most of the sales girls walk up and say "Hey, it's been a while, it's really nice to see you again", especially Kerry, and I can't help but blush and kind of shyly play it off.

So I'm not sure which seems more probable for their friendliness 1) they're secretly amused and just find my crossdressing pathetically laughable, and they ridicule me as soon as I leave or 2) they're genuinely friendly to me both as a customer and as a person in general.
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Our fear says that its number one of your post.  But honestly the truth is number two of your post.  For whatever reason we all have it in our heads that everyone will laugh at us.  But honestly this world has grown more open to our like and loves.  As a matter of fact VS has a huge following of cross dressers and they all know it.  I have had a VS SA tell me that they are always having cross dressers come in.  And as long as you are respectful they have no problem with you trying things on in the store. 
So if I were to ask her if she was being sarcastic what would her reaction be?
So if I were to ask her if she was being sarcastic what would her reaction be?
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