PG 13 What should I do in Vegas?
Spending nearly a week by myself
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I'm heading to Las Vegas for nearly a nearly a week, and I have a room and time all to myself! Well mostly, I have a convention during the day, which could be optional if there's a good reason;)

I'm taking my nighties up with me, my nylon sleeping bag, and maybe a cute outfit and heels. I'm also taking my dildo and butt plug, and gonna have some fun at night! BUT, is there some other ways to make it really fun? I've never had the chance to be by myself, especially in a town that no one knows who I am (well, most likely anyway). I'm open to some ideas, and maybe even an encounter if there's an opportunity ;D Please help me, onegaishimau!  
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 I'm heading to Las Vegas for nearly a nearly a week, and I have a room and time all to myself! Well mostly, I have a convention during the day, which could be optional if there's a good reason;)

I'm taking my nighties up with me, my nylon sleeping bag, and maybe a cute outfit and heels. I'm also taking my dildo and butt plug, and gonna have some fun at night! BUT, is there some other ways to make it really fun? I've never had the chance to be by myself, especially in a town that no one knows who I am (well, most likely anyway). I'm open to some ideas, and maybe even an encounter if there's an opportunity ;D Please help me, onegaishimau!    

well whatever you do, stays in Vegas. Hint Hint....
Hit the town, pretty sure you wouldn't be out of place there has to be lots of really weird things there not to mention so much overkill on visual stimulation people may not even notice you :)
Thats not to say you are a weirdo, just the other people there would be lots of weirdo's. so you'd look normal :)
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