*Update!* Now you can listen to Story Time in audio!
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Yay! I added a fun way for people to check out stories in Story Time! We joined up with Odiogo, and now people have the choice of listening to stories or reading them! You can listen to the latest 10 stories.

*Click here to go to the Audio Version of Story Time*

Authors don't need to do any extra things to make their stories streaming audio. An audio file will be automatically made each time someone posts a story in Story Time.

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Baby Bobby__
Hi Christie, is there a way to listen to any of the other stories on this forum using that software?

Fantastic news, Christie! This totally made my day. I'm not sure how to make it work though; when I click the link you posted, I just get sent to a page to download a link called "podcasts-xml.php". It's not recognised as a known file type for me.

(The thing is though, it might be something wrong with my computer, rather than the software; I have to run my computer in Safe Mode . . .)
~*Christie Luv*~

 Hi Christie, is there a way to listen to any of the other stories on this forum using that software?


I checked and I didn't find a way to do that. I think they limit it to the latest 10 to save server space and bandwidth. Maybe sometime in the future they will have a way to do that.

If someone can find a software that can do that I'd love to check it out. Send me a PM.


Thank you, and it has a very pretty womans voice as the story teller. You can telling its a machine saying it somewhat *lol* but its still pretty.

 Fantastic news, Christie! This totally made my day. I'm not sure how to make it work though; when I click the link you posted, I just get sent to a page to download a link called "podcasts-xml.php". It's not recognised as a known file type for me.

(The thing is though, it might be something wrong with my computer, rather than the software; I have to run my computer in Safe Mode . . .)  

Oh your browser is asking you to download the page instead of viewing it in your browser. Does that happen when you try to view any php page?

*Does the same happen when you click here?*

Let me know in a Private Message so you can let me know your browser and the type of computer you are using and I can help you out with that if you would like me to.
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