Just got an unexpected punishment
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My girlfriend doesn't know that I like to wear panties when I masturbate and that I enjoy using them when I'm alone. But a couple of days ago she said I should go a day with panties as a punishment for not behaving the way she wanted me to. She has no clue that this punishment excites me, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to get an erection when I'm "forced" to put them on. I was planning to hold this fetish a secret, but how shall I react when she sees my erection in the panties?
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Baby Butch
If that's the case she will no longer consider it a punishment. She should give you a spanking after you put them on. She must be viewing PDQ where bad boys are forced to wear girls panties and clothes.
This is a great opportunity to express yourself to your girlfreind. To really through her for a loop you should have on panties beforehand so that when she "forces" you too put them on You already did so willingly. she's going to be confused' especially if she watches PDQ.
Anybody want to chat about anything just ask and i'll be there. Hugs and Kisses to all and to all a good night.
Does she know about any other fetishes you have? Do you know about her's? I think you should be honest with her and tell her you like it. You don't necessarily have to tell her that you've been into them for a while, but don't try to deny you like them. If she's already punishing you, and she's punishing you like this, she's got a kinky streak too and will probably understand.

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