Wet the bed
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So, I've officially decided that depends underwear are officially undependable! I was having a beautiful dream where mommy was gonna change me because i was wet. Come to realize that i actually did wet, and i mean soaked the bed. My depends over flowed and there is a puddle on my bed. I'm so sad ! Plus, i think I need some heavier nightwear. Anyone have any recommendations? I need some diapers that can hold ALOT!!!! Also, anyone know where i can get them as well as maybe some plastic panties? I don't know if those will help stop leaks or not

Wet, -Jessybaby
a new me teehee
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 So, I've officially decided that depends underwear are officially undependable! I was having a beautiful dream where mommy was gonna change me because i was wet. Come to realize that i actually did wet, and i mean soaked the bed.


Wet, -Jessybaby  

I've found out through experience that pull-up underwear, even Super Plus Absorbent, will leak and overflow if you really get them wet. So I wouldn't wear them to bed without plastic pants over them. Since I don't possess plastic panties, I don't wear a nappy to bed.

Seems to me that if you sleep in a ratty old bed with a ratty old matress with sheets and blankets that have seen better days and you don't mind soaking them with warmth and wetness, it might be a delightful experience for the warm and wet fountain to really flow while having a beautiful dream.

Depends underwear are not undependable. Its just that they weren't designed to be totally leak-free if you wet them all the way when you really have to wee badly.

Sweetness and luv,


 So, I've officially decided that depends underwear are officially undependable! I was having a beautiful dream where mommy was gonna change me because i was wet. Come to realize that i actually did wet, and i mean soaked the bed. My depends over flowed and there is a puddle on my bed. I'm so sad ! Plus, i think I need some heavier nightwear. Anyone have any recommendations? I need some diapers that can hold ALOT!!!! Also, anyone know where i can get them as well as maybe some plastic panties? I don't know if those will help stop leaks or not

Wet, -Jessybaby  

Generally with diapers you get what you pay for. You might want to try cloth and plastic pants, that way you can use more diapers until you have enough to not leak. Or you can try some of the more expensive disposables like Abena, or Bambino.
To wet or not to wet “ that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The leaks and rashes of outrageous wettings,
Or to use Desitin against a rash of troubles
And, by changing, end them.

I suggest Tranquility ATNs. I have soaked hundreds of them over the years, and only leaked 3 times.
Baby Butch
Unless you plan on using three of them i won't even trust depends doing the day. I recommend Abena or cloth with plastic panties.
Jennifer Funshine

 So, I've officially decided that depends underwear are officially undependable! I was having a beautiful dream where mommy was gonna change me because i was wet. Come to realize that i actually did wet, and i mean soaked the bed. My depends over flowed and there is a puddle on my bed. I'm so sad ! Plus, i think I need some heavier nightwear. Anyone have any recommendations? I need some diapers that can hold ALOT!!!! Also, anyone know where i can get them as well as maybe some plastic panties? I don't know if those will help stop leaks or not

Wet, -Jessybaby  

I was having the exact same issues with Depends sweetie.
Once upon a magical time they were very dependable,
had a good design and a great plastic feel...
now they are much more like tapping a soft cardboard to your behiny.

A single heavy wetting can fill them up even though
the package assures protection from three "average" nighttime accidents.
I have since switched over to Attends.

I know there are even better brands of diapers out there
but Attends has never let me down. Only a few times
have I sprung a leak in bed and that was simply due
to rushed diapering on my part.

They may not be the best but they are more affordable
in the long-run. I have a prescription for them now
though so it's not really an issue as my incontinence
has worsened greatly it's important that the diaper
be more useful rather than colorful.

I wish you all the best in your search sweetie.   
depends failed me again last night.
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