So have u ever stolen girly thing
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So I've stole before And I'm not super proud of it but the pink litle panties that said sugar on the butt were just so cute I had to have them
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I was recently on a business trip to a friends house. We had to travel to his daughters house to do some work for her. She's married, I'd say very early 30's. Anyway when we arrived at the house, there was no one home. We let ourselves in and started on the job. After a while we realised that e had forgotten something so my mate (the dad) offered to go back to his place for the part, leaving me alone in the house.

I was going through one of my strong urge phases, after a few minutes of being alone it suddenly dawned on me that I was alone in a house occupied by a very attractive woman. Upstairs I went with the intention of exploring the bedroom in search of lingerie / panties.

I searched a few minutes and found a neatly stacked pile of panties. Theyt were mainly plain but there in the middle was a white lace thong - very naughty and sexy. It was so exciting and thrilling. I had to keep them. I immediately wrapped them in newspaper and put them in my tool bag.

That was about a year ago and ever since, I often pay the lace confection a little tribute. It's so exciting to have a real womans panties to play with. Much more exciting than buying your own. I love the smell of them, I often wear them on my head or put them crotch first in my mouth. Knowing that she would wear these whenever she wanted to seduce her husband.

I have other panties that I bought online, bu they are really just material, gimmicks for the sissy market, nothing to do with real femininity. I highly recommend stealing, it's so naughty, so taboo, so perverted, so delicious, so special.
Baby Butch
Never stole anything, but I have borrowed without asking and later put them back.
I have to say the only things i have stolen in my life were girls clothes. When i was 16 ish and had my first car i would go to a friends house who had sisters and when i had the chance i would sneak into there room and steal whatever clothes i could put under my clothes and then take them out to my car and hide them under the seat
Panties and one piece swimsuits were always the easiest because you could easily run to the bathroom and put them on
A pink panty and a G-String that I stole to one of the exchange student I had in my family... And My first dress that I found in my grandma attic!
Sissy Dawn
I have taken some panties from an unattended dryer before, I was really young (about 8 or 9)
Dress for the fun and enjoyment
I've used my mother's make-up without her knowledge before. It was something I hated doing but I just couldn't help myself. I never stole clothes though. I always thought that that was a huge breach of privacy and personal space.
All of the girly clothes I've had were temporarily borrowed from my sister (or going to Goodwill), aside from one rainbow colored thong that apparently got stuck in a dorm drying machine and ended up in my laundry. Now that's a special present.

All of the makeup I've used has also been either at my sister's behest when I was very young or from her abandoned cosmetics (like the stuff that was too vibrant for everyday use and tossed into a case in the basement). Although I did borrow some of her nail polish I eventually returned that as well. I suppose that has left me fairly destitute with regard to girly things.
i was on a panty kick when i was about 14. my sister had incredible taste in panties, so it was really hard to resist. after getting caught for the 3rd time i finally gave it up. aside from that the only thing i've stolen was a black lace semi-see through top that i found at my grand parents house.

i've also taken cosmetics that had been long since forgotten or lost. you know, like in a box in the back of the cabinet and covered in dust. nothing that would be missed anytime soon.
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