PG About Tyresusrex ~ This is baby's 666th post
Prayres for our sick friend
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I have just received an e-mail from Tyresiusrexe's brother. It said he's in the hospital with some kind of virus.

He's doing OK so far and I ask that all in SK land please pray for his quick recovery and swift return to us. I and his friends miss him a whole lot.

Miki Yamuri

The best thing about my life is being Lisa's Pet Babydoll

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Baby Butch
There is a bad Flu going around in the US.

I said a short prayer for T-Rex, hopefully he will get well soon.

Blessings T-Rex, I hope you are back with us ASAP.

Baby Butch
Thanks again to both of you. I left a longer message at Miki's other thread. Still pretty weak. Have some new meds and family checking in on me.

Miki, I ask your patience: writing is very tiring. Too much online viewing/reading tends to make me (literally) sick. It will probably be a few more weeks before I have regained my original stamina and rapid-finger chatting ability.

Again, thanks for generating the psychic support.

With love to you both,

2013 was a damn challenging year for me health-wise (physical and emotional). But I was blessed to have friends like Miki holding a light for me....

Now, if I can only understand why she felt the need to say that it was her 666th post...

Sheesh. Did Old Mephistopheles have anything  to do with my illness? Or was Miki his agent? Hmmmm.....
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