PG 13 The Transgender Day of Remembrander
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Today is a sad day. It know as The Transgender Day of Remembrander. A day transgender remembrance those were kill to anti~transgender hate or prejudice. So as the sun fall light a candle for those who lost there life to hate and prejudice.
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Sorry I missed this post. It is tragic that we should have to remember these poor souls, that such awful things happen in this day and age, but remember them we will, for then, today and tomorrow.
Baby Butch

 Today is a sad day. It know as The Transgender Day of Remembrander. A day transgender remembrance those were kill to anti~transgender hate or prejudice. So as the sun fall light a candle for those who lost there life to hate and prejudice.  

This is a sad reminder of the hate that exhists in our society. Blessings and peace from all of us and our creater to those who have lost their life being what they are.

This is also a "heads up" to be careful who we trust in life and avoid a similar fate. I recentlyl deleted a lot of my personal information to avoid prejudice myself.
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