PG Trans news in NY Times
Caitlyn is far from the first
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NY Times article

With all the talk about Caitlyn Jenner, here's something worth reading that just appeared in the NY Times.  If the above link doesn't work, cut and paste the following:
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Baby Butch
I remember a long time ago a male tennis player turned into a female. She was not allowed on the women's tour and no longer welcome on the men's tour. I believe it was Renee Richards. Eventually I think she did play as a women, it was long ago.

*For some reason the link will not copy and paste for me! Nothing appears at all, maybe due to the white space in the middle.

Silly me the link above works fine, NY Times Article.

HOUSTON — Nearly four decades before Caitlyn Jenner introduced herself to the world, Phyllis Randolph Frye came out as a transgender woman in a far less glamorous way. No Diane Sawyer, no Vanity Fair.

Interesting article, very hateful at first but not anymore it seems.

 The country’s first openly transgender judge!
Excellent points and its  amazing how  enormous amounts  of  money make the  TG  process easier. Wonder if  Miss Jenner will starta  foundation to provide  HRT/SRS  plus facial reconstruction, implants, vocal cords and all for those of us  homeless  Transgendered.
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