Greek Myth says this person changed from male to female
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Tiresias was the son of Everes and the nymph Chariclo; he was a blind prophet, the most famous soothsayer of ancient Greece.

The most famous account of the origin of his blindness and his prophetic talent is as follows.

When Tiresias was walking in the woods one day, he came upon two great serpents copulating; he struck them with his staff, and was

thereupon transformed into a woman.

Seven years later, she/he passed by the same place and came upon the same two serpents copulating; she/he struck them again with the

staff and was turned back into a man.

Some time later, Zeus and Hera were arguing over who had more pleasure in sex, the man or the woman: Zeus said it was the woman,

while Hera claimed men got more pleasure from the act.

To settle the argument, they consulted Tiresias, since he had experienced life as both sexes, and Tiresias sided with Zeus. In her anger,

Hera struck Tiresias blind. Since Zeus could not undo the act of another deity, he gave Tiresias the gift of prophecy in compensation.

He then became a famous Greek Soothsayer.

WOW!! I know lots that would just love to find those snakes ... altho, I am sure they would shun the invitation from Zeus and Hera.



The best thing about my life is being Lisa's Pet Babydoll

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Wow! Very interesting, Miki! It's a clever idea and I have an interest in Greek mythology (well . . . in the sense of "the Greek Gods were sooooo cool). I have to wonder why Hera would get so angry just for being proven wrong though. *giggles*
Sarah Candy Lee
it is definetly one of the more interesting themes in greek mythology ^^
im havent head that in ages im gald someone broguht it up.
the best thigns about their culture they where a lot more open about this sorta stuff than we are today its a lil sad to see we have actaully gone backwards form our ancestors over 2000 years ago
i should probably write something really profound =)
Very interesting find Miki! <3
I'd say the Oracle or Cassandra is more famous though- all things considered.

Would be fun though.
Little boy blue come blow your horn.
The sheep's in the meadow the cow's in the corn!
And where is the boy who looks after the sheep?
SHE's under a haystack diapered neat!
Little boy pink come make a wish
The stars in the sky send you their kiss
As you dream of a world so happy and free
Warm in thick diapers being rocked fast asleep!
-By Funshine Bear.
11/18/14. Miki: I just read this. And I have a prophetic you were! You published this in 2009...and I arrived on the SK scene in March 2011. Coincidence? Hmmmm....-TiresiasRex

P.S. It is also worth noting that the blind seer Tiresias plays a minor - but important - role in TS Eliot's brilliant poem, "The Wasteland."
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