The problem I ran into, though, was that whenever I'd finish up with a thread and instinctively hit Alt + would boot me all the way back to the first page of the particular sub-forum that I was in, even if the thread I'd just finished with was on page 2 or deeper. I know that this is caused by the scripting used for the forums; individual pages of threads don't have a separate URL, so the browser can't get back to the exact page it was at before. Standard Back/Forward commands don't work like that. This was really jarring, especially with longer stories. I'd often forget what page of the threads I was on.
I know it's really nitpicky, but I really don't see the purpose to the current system. It's not any faster in terms of load times, and forums don't really need a whole lot of pizzazz in general. After all, it's inevitably the user base, and the content that they share, that inspires people to stick around in a forum more than anything.
I came up with a little do-it-yourself fix; if I open individual threads in a new tab, I don't lose my place in the thread listing. This is still inconvenient, however (and less advanced users may not think to do such a thing).
So, agree/disagree? Am I just missing the whole point? I'd like to hear some thoughts.
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