How do you think I look?
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I know it's not up "everyones" ally, but I'm somewhat of a gothic-type sissy to be. Also cybergoth if I can.

Right now I'm limited because I still depend on my parents with NJ's very low mimum wage it's hard to pay for college and sissy stuff AND an apartment.

But this is the best I could do without my parents knowing that I'm a femme boy lover!! I'm very insecure about my appearance so I'd like to go out on a limb and ask for your opinions.

Thanks very much girlies!
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Well, if you are talking about your avatar pic? Then I would have to say

I think your avatar picture is absolutely gorgeous, as were those ones you posted in your introduction thread. If that is really how you look, then you have a look any goth / lolita / cyber-sissy would envy. <3

I shall be moving to NJ quite soon, if all goes to plan. Your mention of the low minimum wage is less than encouraging ... How much is it, if I may ask?
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)

 I think your avatar picture is absolutely gorgeous, as were those ones you posted in your introduction thread. If that is really how you look, then you have a look any goth / lolita / cyber-sissy would envy. <3

I shall be moving to NJ quite soon, if all goes to plan. Your mention of the low minimum wage is less than encouraging ... How much is it, if I may ask?  

It is $7.25 an hour...
Because of all the filters and the fact that I cannot see any of your body (let alone your feet) it is hard for me to say anything. Do you have a picture which shows more of you than your avatar pic you would be comfortable sharing?
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
$7.25? That's not that bad. Ohio JUST got pushed up to $7.30
its 7.30 in Texas too. but my parents still claim me as a dependent so money is stacking up right now, no matter how much per hour i get. Woo!!!
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