Sweet Little Nooby Suzi
Introducing Susan Lacy
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Hi my name is Susan and I have been dressing as a girl since I was about seven years old, when a family friend's daughter let me dress up in her cloths. Since then I have secretly dressed in feminine cloths of differnt ages, but am in my heart a little girl who loves soft nylon and delicate lace.
This is my first time on any forum and I am a little shy. I haven't any sisters to help me become more girlie so I am hoping I might find some girlie advice here.

Love and Kisses. Suzi Lacy  
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Hello and welcome from Sissy JJ, no need to shy sweety! 
People tend to be shy upon arriving, but just take things at your own pace.   Everyone here is very happy to give advice, and you'll find a wealth of information (both useful and delightfully frivolous) in our very own "girlie advice" section.   ***Hugs and kisses***     Welcome to Sissy Kiss, and may you have no end of fun here.  
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
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