Sweet Hellos
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Hey all!

I'm a little nervous here, so forgive my jitters...

I've recently undertaken a personal journey to understand more about me and who I am. This journey has led me here. The website name, alone, seemed too perfect. The site seems quite large but I'm sure I'll find my way around eventually :)

I hope to learn a lot about me and other sissies, and I hope to meet lots of new friends. HUGS to all!

Also, everyone here seems EXTREMELY nice, and that's important to me :)
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6 posts
These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
Add your message here..
And ***hugs and kisses*** to you as well. This is the perfect place to find out more about yourself, and very friendly indeed. :) Shyness is understandable (I certainly was when I joined), but I do hope you'll settle in quickly and have a really lovely time here. <3 <3 X X X

 Hey all!

I'm a little nervous here, so forgive my jitters...

I've recently undertaken a personal journey to understand more about me and who I am.


I hope to learn a lot about me and other sissies, and I hope to meet lots of new friends. HUGS to all!



Hello Princess Penelope:

I'm Prissie, I'm into Little Girl dresses and dolls. Right now I'm wearing a red and white patterned skirt with Vanity Fair pettis underneath. Its two inches above my knee when I'm standing and well above my knees when I'm sitting down.  

I also use a few nappies each week. I love to put on a nappy when I have to wee real bad and then get it nice and warm and squishy-wet.

I look forward to your contributions to the cause of divine, joyful sissy sweetness for all!


SuperSonic Baby
I wonder if I'm an old enough member here to say welcome yet? Eh, whatever. Welcome!
Princess Penelope
Thanks all!

You really know how to make a girl feel welcome. I can tell I'm going to like it here.

Hugs and Kisses...
Baby Butch
  I like your Avatar, welcome to this site from one of it's babys.  
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