To my sweet and dearest V6s
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I remember first seeing you, in your golden box with a blanket of shiny red silk. Well first really seeing you, I had seen your picture in the magazines and swooned over you, pined for you like you were some teen heartthrob. But there we were, looking each other in the eyes for the first time. I paid well over one hundred precious dollars for you and I hoped that you would live up to my expectations. What I didn't know that hot afternoon in the local university bookstore was that you would become my ears, more important to me than my eyes. One hundred times over again I would gladly loose my vision, if I am able to retain my more than perfect -12 to -15 db hearing. The world is flat and dull to the eye, a haze of snow constantly interfeers with the ability to see fine details, but sound on the other hand has dimension, emotion which cannot be contained, true beauty. As I took you out that day in a yellow plastic bag and listening to you on my walkman for the first time while waiting for the bus, you suddenly showed me what I had been missing.

You then stayed beside me through High School, we went to Japan together, I've been able to express any emotions evoked around you, and you have never minded or cared, but just gone on serving me faithfully. You didn't mind if I was recording a live show or if I was just enjoying you in a quiet hallway somewhere, lost in my own thoughts.

In a small town you were my portal to places elsewhere, how fitting it should be that you should pass away after helping to create something to put back into the world from this small place. I will dedicate my album to you. The most unselfish one of all.

Today while I was at the birthday party for my oldest partial daughter my dad's girlfriend used my MDR-V6s as speakers with the external headphone amp at max and the computer internal levels maxxed. Needless to say that at some point the ancient 14 year old or so right speaker coil partially gave. I caught her doing this but she still denys she did a small somehow by denying it, it will all just go away. I really hate it when I am forced to be the adult. Regurdless, of the denial, they were still damaged.

I will miss you sooooo much,
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
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That was truly poetic and even a little tragic, and I loved the way you describe the richness of sound over vision: we are so used to judging things by sight we tend to neglect the diversity of perception. That was a horrible thing to have to happen to you, but I do hope the album comes along, as you have an imagination that is original as well as sensitive and lyrical. ***Hugs and kisses***
I assure you it is unlike anything most people have heard, unless they were very into the mod/tracker formats in the late 80s and early 90s, and if you were, well you are likely to have not heard a lot of modern music like it. Then the fact that it is all created with carefully shaped analog waves and not digital samples gives the sound this most wonderful ressonance or however you spell that. The bass is pretty nice to say the least as well. Lots of 30Hz ^_^ This old Roland tech can make some pretty wicked sounds.

The converter box I need to take my recordings into the PC without any background noise (SPDIF to USB) will be here probably late this week. So the same day I get that I will make a few mp3 samples of the songs for anyone to download who wants do. Maybe even a low quality like 128 kbps full song. I will be already reading the whole album in so that I can make promotional CDs to mail to some radio stations in my state which play techno (hahaha, like 5).

I am really hoping that the headphones paid the price for the good deed I have pre-meditated to do later this week to help someone.

Life is the cruelest joke ever concieved.
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
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