PG 13 Sunshine Junction Adult Baby Daycare 1.2 is now open.
Experience the virtual adult baby daycare of your dreams
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 Virtual Sunshine Junction Adult Baby Daycare 1.2 is now open.

We use the innovative, free Virtual Master program created by Sven B. to immerse you in the daycare setting of your adult baby dreams. Our staff members are specially trained to give you the love and caring or strict discipline and punishment you need. We are currently accepting registration for our Infant program (6 wks - 1 year old) and our Toddler program (1 -3 years old).

Our mission at the Sunshine Junction Adult Baby Daycare is to provide a safe, nurturing, and accepting environment for individuals who enjoy and benefit from the experience of age regression. We believe everyone deserves to be cared for and accepted for who they are, regardless of age or circumstance.

We offer the flexibility of our exceptional services for whatever time period is needed, from a few minutes to the entire day. Fun, creative activities vary daily to give you the best opportunity to explore and learn. You can create up to 10 custom activities to fill your time or use the 17 preset activities that we offer.

We have a comprehensive list of expected behaviors and rules for both of our programs. Adhere to the rules, and you will be rewarded. Disobey, and there may be consequences.

Visit us at to experience the virtual adult baby daycare of your dreams.
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