R i submitted a story
seems my story never got posted or sent back to me for editing
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i dont know whats going on or how backed up the story log is but ive been waiting here almost 36 hours after submitting my story in story time. i havent got a message or anything back nor has it been posted. i was told longest time it takes is 24 hours. can someone explain to me why this is happening?
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Baby Butch

 i dont know whats going on or how backed up the story log is but ive been waiting here almost 36 hours after submitting my story in story time. i havent got a message or anything back nor has it been posted. i was told longest time it takes is 24 hours. can someone explain to me why this is happening?  

I don't know who told you that but it is incorrect. I have never heard it before. In most cases stories are approved sooner but it is common to take 2 or 3 days. A lot of the old story moderaters are gone, I will take a look at your story. : )
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