R stuffed andor sleeved panties
has anyone tried them?
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has anyone tried stuffed or sleeved panties like these http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hidden-Sleeve-Padded-Sissy-Panties-CHOICE-5-COLORS-/150299378842?pt=US_Women_s_Panties&hash=item22fe8a849a#ht_20922wt_1037

im absolutely LOVING the look of them, but i dont know if its worth dropping $77 on.

i would really love some feedback on them if anyone has worn them.

how do they feel? are they nice? how does the sleeve feel?

and if anyone has tried them, i would love to know where the best place to get them is. this seems to be the best seller i could find, but if anyone knows of one that they like i'd love to hear about it.

please and thank you!

love always,

i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
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TBH, I have a pair that look exactly like that, but I sure as heck didn't pay any $77 for them! I think I paid like $30.

Mine are pink satin - like in the picture. They feel so good!! They have a sleeve inside as well - it is actually very hard to ...erm... take care of business while wearing them, if you know what I mean. It feels like you are sitting or laying on a soft pillow, and yes they do feel like diapers - only really comfy diapers.

But I can't say I'd have spent $77 on them.

 TBH, I have a pair that look exactly like that, but I sure as heck didn't pay any $77 for them! I think I paid like $30.

Mine are pink satin - like in the picture. They feel so good!! They have a sleeve inside as well - it is actually very hard to ...erm... take care of business while wearing them, if you know what I mean. It feels like you are sitting or laying on a soft pillow, and yes they do feel like diapers - only really comfy diapers.

But I can't say I'd have spent $77 on them.  

I have wondered about these as well. Why is the "taking care of business" piece more difficult?

 I have wondered about these as well. Why is the "taking care of business" piece more difficult?  

Because they are so puffy, and it's encased in the sleeve.



 Sounds very expensive to me. Look at the following link. Her nappies/diapers are really thick and wonderful. I have a pair and love them


Love all

D xxxxxxxxx  

thanks for the link! i personally havent tried actual diapers, but some of the stuff this seller has is really cute! i might have to get some someday.

 TBH, I have a pair that look exactly like that, but I sure as heck didn't pay any $77 for them! I think I paid like $30.

Mine are pink satin - like in the picture. They feel so good!! They have a sleeve inside as well - it is actually very hard to ...erm... take care of business while wearing them, if you know what I mean. It feels like you are sitting or laying on a soft pillow, and yes they do feel like diapers - only really comfy diapers.

But I can't say I'd have spent $77 on them.  

thank you so much for the advice! some of the customer testimonials say its like being rapped in a cloud of satin. that does sound quite wonderful.

do you know of anywhere i can find them cheaper?
A novelty item at best .....
I had a pair a looong time ago and I think about $30 was the going price on ebay.
Awful lot of smooth silky satin and agree they are just like wearing padded diapers.
Unless you get the waist really tight to fit they have the tendancy to just simply
fall off - needed better stronger elastic.
As for the internal sleeve for the pxxxx it was just like wearing an silky elastic sock.
With the padding all around not much pleasure could be obtained even when manually
manipulated or humping something.
And yes for the necessary bathroom breaks they could be used for a diaper BUT
you would have a devil of time laundering them and the interior padding would
in my opinion be ruined.
So thus like any other underwear you need to drop squat and pee-poop.
As for wearing out and about - nothing more here other than a pastel or like mine
a bright fire engine red padded diaper like panty.
When worn with a short mini-skirt the skirt would blouse out and expose the underlying panty.
A petticoat if worn would go flat out to a tutu.
The fancy lace edge on the leg bands for some people could be a chaffing thing.
It was for me but not in a big way - the padded panty tends to spread the legs.

Definitely not worth $77.77 with FREE S&H.


 A novelty item at best .....
I had a pair a looong time ago and I think about $30 was the going price on ebay.
Awful lot of smooth silky satin and agree they are just like wearing padded diapers.
Unless you get the waist really tight to fit they have the tendancy to just simply
fall off - needed better stronger elastic.
As for the internal sleeve for the pxxxx it was just like wearing an silky elastic sock.
With the padding all around not much pleasure could be obtained even when manually
manipulated or humping something.
And yes for the necessary bathroom breaks they could be used for a diaper BUT
you would have a devil of time laundering them and the interior padding would
in my opinion be ruined.
So thus like any other underwear you need to drop squat and pee-poop.
As for wearing out and about - nothing more here other than a pastel or like mine
a bright fire engine red padded diaper like panty.
When worn with a short mini-skirt the skirt would blouse out and expose the underlying panty.
A petticoat if worn would go flat out to a tutu.
The fancy lace edge on the leg bands for some people could be a chaffing thing.
It was for me but not in a big way - the padded panty tends to spread the legs.

Definitely not worth $77.77 with FREE S&H.


thank you for the honest review. i wasnt really concerned with them feeling like a diaper or using them as such, i really just wanted to know if they felt nice or if they just kind of got in the way.

i think i will try to find somewhere i can get them cheaper and see how i like them.

and yes, lace around the legs isnt one of my favorite things. can get kinda itchy and chaff. if i do buy a pair i'll try and make sure they dont have the lace on them. its cute, but can get irritating.


thanks for all the advice girls! i really appreciate it!

P.S. has anyone worn them under tight jeans? or not so tight jeans?
Yes, I wore mine under jeans once. I was funny cause I could barely get my jeans buttoned and zipped. And then I could feel them the whole time, which was kinda cool actually.

I looked all over thinking I could find them cheaper for you, but the lowest I saw was $66.


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