PG My Special 1000
A special tribute to one very special friend
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If you are reading this, then you are reading my 1000th post! I am very excited about this and have decided to commemorate it by talking about someone who is very special to me.

Whether or not she is Beth or Tabby, Baby Butch is a very special person. I will always look at his cappies because they are amazing, and even feature me in them sometimes, which I love more than I can say. No matter what is going on, he always manages to keep in touch with me, even when I am away for a while. I am married to her in one of the roleplays that I am currently doing. (A Mother's Love 2) No matter how sad or upset I am, I know that by going to one of the roleplays we are in, I will look at a new post by my sweetheart and smile happily. Butch is never afraid to express any feelings that he may have, which is another thing that I find very impressive. In today's society, people are being judged for their gender, or their sexual preference and many other things. Nothing gets to Butch, a stalwart warrior in the face of unfair judgement. He is my student in Carrington Academy, my wife in A Mother's Love 2, but more importantly than all that, he is a very special friend, and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world. 

I wuv everyone no matter what.
I am happy to take any cutie that needs me :)

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I'm so happy for the two of you, and I can only wish to find my own special friend like Baby Butch. Everything Baby Butch posts makes us all happy i'm so sure of it!!! 
Baby Butch
Super congratulations on your 1,000th post Chloe. Your tribute is very nice and I really appreciate it and am touched by it. You have been special to me for a long time and we have grown to love each other.

I also enjoy the role plays and look forward to your posts. You are a great wife and Baby Class teacher. I love you comments on my cappies. I look forward to your compliments, which I don't deserve so much of.

You are there for me also sweetheart and I do appreciate it. Stay happy and have a great night.

Love Baby Butch
Congratulations Chloe! You are such a prevalent young lady here! :)
Thank you for the beautiful post about B.B. And congratulations on your 1000th post here in ye merrie SissyKiss!



Who's daddy has to hurry up and get ready to go to work in his day job

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