PG Sol. Part 1 (Copyright 2014)
Part 1 of 8 of the Sol music video Experience
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  Sol. Part 1
(Composed & Produced By
Amy Sadler)


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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Dear  Amy,

That was very interesting. I used to have an old analogue KORG Mono/Poly synth. Not near as sophisticated as what you have, but it was fun. i have listened to your music before. I like the New Age feel to it, Something akin to 'Musical Star Streams'. Keep it up. I quite enjoyed that.

Hugs and Snugs,

Awww, fank  you too AlyssaDee for commenting on  one of my music videos. I really appreciate that very much. Like what I said in my reply to Baby Butch's comment for Sol. Part 2. I do not get comments for them here, or that many either at YouTube itself.

But I am glad that enough people do like them enough to watch them and listen to the music that I play. This one is among my most popular music pieces and it is in my most popular music video list. So I am happy with that, not all of my music videos have large views, I am grateful and happy though for any views that I do get, big or small.

Everyone has all different tastes, so my music is not going to appeal to all people. I hope to at some point work on a possible new music album entitled Prisims, I will have to see how that turns out. Composing music helps me to not be so stresed and depressed, anything that I do creatively helps lots.

So it is important to me for me to keep being active with my creativity in anyway that I can. I am glad that you like my music I like New Age music too, I have not heard of Musical Star Streams, but I will look that up sometime.

Yes, the Novation XioSynth is sophisticated, I would say probably more sophisiticated or equal to that of the KORG microKORG XL. Though the XioSynth does look like it can do a whole lot more, plus it has that unique touch pad that makes creating new sounds even greater than what most, though not all, other synthesizers can do.

So compact and yet so mighty in what can be done with it and I have not as yet begun to utilise the potential that little midi synth keyboard can do and is capable of doing. I am not much of a tech person, with that said, I am confident that in time to come I will find out how to use some, if not all of it's many features.

Together with the microKORG XL, the two mini synths make a great pair in music creativity. I would not have been able to make Sol possible without those two little synths and now I can use either one with my full sized keyboards in many different ways.

I have already combind the microKORG XL with some of my full sized keyboards and now I am slowly and gradually branching out with combining the XioSynth in the same way. And that to me is such a huge advantage in my ability to create and compose my own music.

Do you still have that KORG Mono/Poly Synth? Just curious? What music did you play on it? Thank you for the encouragement. I appreciate that beyond words can mention.

Posted by AlyssaDee

 Dear  Amy,

That was very interesting. I used to have an old analogue KORG Mono/Poly synth. Not near as sophisticated as what you have, but it was fun. i have listened to your music before. I like the New Age feel to it, Something akin to 'Musical Star Streams'. Keep it up. I quite enjoyed that.

Hugs and Snugs,



'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Dear Amy,

Sadly, I do not have the Korg any more.I bought it in 1985 and mostly used it for sound effects on my radio show1986 through 1991. I did use it with an old Aki quadrophonic reel to reel tape recorder, with sound on sound,so I could over dub and make some rhythm stuff, but I am not a musician.  My children had a lot of fun with it too. It did not survive the fire when our house burned in 1997. I loved those old analogue synths, never could get into the digital stuff, because, like I said, I am not a musician.
Hugs and Snugs,
        Alyssa Dee ... Once upon a time, an evil witch turned an ugly prince into a frog. Then came a Good Mommy Witch who kissed the frog and turned him into her Beautiful Baby Princess, and they lived Happily Ever After. 
Fank you for that lovely reply AlyssaDee, I am sorry to  hear about your KORG being destroyed in the fire, but glad to hear that it got a lot of good use. It is cool that you used it for sound effects for a radio show. That is so Awesome.

I do not know much about Digital Synths either and seem more complex than the old turn and tweak knobs of those cool Anologue synths, they seem more easier to use than the modern synths. I'm sure that you are very good at doing other things, not everyone is cut out to be a musician etc.

everyone all is good at doing something, no mater what it is, even if it is Burping their ABC's. *Big Grin*

Hugs & Kisses

Posted by AlyssaDee

 Dear Amy,

Sadly, I do not have the Korg any more.I bought it in 1985 and mostly used it for sound effects on my radio show1986 through 1991. I did use it with an old Aki quadrophonic reel to reel tape recorder, with sound on sound,so I could over dub and make some rhythm stuff, but I am not a musician.  My children had a lot of fun with it too. It did not survive the fire when our house burned in 1997. I loved those old analogue synths, never could get into the digital stuff, because, like I said, I am not a musician.
Hugs and Snugs,


'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

Baby Butch
I downloaded Flashplayer directly from the manufacturer to aviod all those extra add ons I got last time I tried. I also got my speakers to work again.
The vidio is nice and pleasant. I might call it Techno or New Age, not sure. I think one of the sounds may have been a flute. Nice Keyboard set up you have, looks even better in full screen view.
Smiles from Baby Butch : )

Fank you Baby Butch for your comment. I appreciate it. This is probably Techno New Age. In my other reply to you for Sol Part 2. I have said that I really do not know exactly what catagory my music would or does fall into, I'm not really too fussed which it does, because even I do not really know which one would suit my music best, because I compose music that can be very soothing and New Age like in one music piece and in another, have something that is Techno or something else.

That is not deliberate., that is simply how my music comes out as. I would say there is probably a little bit of everything spanning between each different music piece. So the styles will change from one to the next, I know that some though not all of my music pieces are near though not exactly, Jean Michel Jarre like or Vangelis in style.

I am glad to hear that your flash player is working and have sound too. There is no flute in the music piece, not that it actually matters, maybe it is a trick of one of the synth sounds of the XioSynth that it has an undertone of a flute in it. The music piece is of two different Synth Sounds, most of the sounds on the XioSytnth are all varieties of the best Synth Sounds there has ever been from 60's synthesizers to 90's Synthesizers.

I went through them all and my friend Patrick, who visits me regulary every week we both talked about the synth sounds and between us, we were able to astablish that there is a lot 70's Synthesizer like synth sounds and a few from the 60s and a few from the 90's, with just the one standard Organ Sound that you can find on any most Eletronic Keyboards.

Though that not mean to say that one of the synth sounds has a possible flute like quality to it. If you are hearing a flute sound, that is awesome, if someone hears elephant sounds, then I will be worried. *Lol* I am glad that you like the music, that means a lot to me.

Posted by Baby Butch

 I downloaded Flashplayer directly from the manufacturer to aviod all those extra add ons I got last time I tried. I also got my speakers to work again.
The vidio is nice and pleasant. I might call it Techno or New Age, not sure. I think one of the sounds may have been a flute. Nice Keyboard set up you have, looks even better in full screen view.
Smiles from Baby Butch : )



'Ask not what you can do for a Sissy. Ask a Sissy what they can do for you.'

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