PG Slow Games Section?
The recent activity in the games forum
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I've noticed that the games section of Sissy Kiss seems to be moving rather slow.  I don't know if people are just loosing interest or what.  Espicaly in threads like truth and dare, posts are becoming fewer and further between. I've had a post there that has gone unanswered for over a month now. I encourage anyone to check out the games forum (under the activities section off of the main forum) for some fun, I guarantee you won't regret it!
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These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
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Baby Butch

I looked and new stuff in the games section is rare.


I did find a lot of good old stuff from 2007.


The truth or dare thread is very populer.


Several forums are slow since the site upgrade.

I find it to be pretty slow as well, but if you have patience it's not too bad.
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