sister found my stash
its all gone!
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i still live my perents and i have an older sister who still lives with us.

my sister just walked into my room with a fist full of various cosmetics and asked "are you collecting this stuff or lacey?" lacey is my little cousin.

terrified, i replyd "i dont know, i guess lacey is." my sister then turns around to leave and says "i thought so."

she took all of it.

this sucks.

and not in a good paci/mommies nipple kind of way.
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
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Aww sweetie that sucks... *sighs* sawy to hear.
 well at least she didn't come in with a hand full of panties!

Princess Frances
This kind of thing fills me with dread and horror

Sounds like you dealt with it quite well though.

Could have been a lot, lot worse!

Time to find yourself another secret hiding spot!
Sounds depressingly familiar ... ***Hugs and kisses*** Thankfully, my own family have long since given up trying to influence me in any way (even though I have no choice but to live at home), but I'm afraid it was a long time in coming. :( I do hope you manage to find yourself a more private situation, if coming out is not an option (which I can full appreciate is often not the case).
"When you adopt the standards and the values of someone else or a community or a pressure group, you surrender your own integrity. You become, to the extent of your surrender, less of a human being." (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Oh... the costs of everyone being in the dark... I used to have that sorta stuff happen before I told everyone I was a girl. Now nobody would think twice. Life is much better aswell. I sympathize with you, maybe you can at least figure out where they put it and get it back. A lock-box is a good place for that sorta thing!

  well at least she didn't come in with a hand full of panties!  

actually thats happened twice.

 This kind of thing fills me with dread and horror

Sounds like you dealt with it quite well though.

Could have been a lot, lot worse!

Time to find yourself another secret hiding spot!  

yes im well aware of how it could have been worse. i could have paniced. that would have given everything away.

 Sounds depressingly familiar ... ***Hugs and kisses*** Thankfully, my own family have long since given up trying to influence me in any way (even though I have no choice but to live at home), but I'm afraid it was a long time in coming. :( I do hope you manage to find yourself a more private situation, if coming out is not an option (which I can full appreciate is often not the case).  

im hoping to save up enough money to rent a house for a wile, at least a year or so, that way i can save up enough to buy a small(maybe foreclosed, those things are cheap these days) house i can call m own. at least then i wont have to hide everything.

 Oh... the costs of everyone being in the dark... I used to have that sorta stuff happen before I told everyone I was a girl. Now nobody would think twice. Life is much better aswell. I sympathize with you, maybe you can at least figure out where they put it and get it back. A lock-box is a good place for that sorta thing!  

i've been seriously considering telling every one everything. but the thought terrifies me! i just dont know how there gonna react, what they'll say and do. it scares me more than anything in this world. im alone and confused enough as it is. i just dont know what i'd do if every one abandoned me because of this.
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
I bet you nearly wet yourself! That used to be my worst nightmare too.

Don't worry, in times like these you learn from your mistakes, pick yourself up and start again 
I'm really sorry this happened to you. I just hope you get your things back asap! *hugs*
A young girl's greatest fear isn't monsters, or magical threats from beyond time and space.
No, a young girl's greatest fear overshadows all of those things.

Her greatest fear is to be alone.

(Still your little Guardian Shadow, now just with wings!)
Widdle Wendy
That makeup is yours and you should take it back. How would you sister feel if you came in and snatched all her makeup?
If being a girl is something you do once in a while in your spare time,
then being open about it is really up to you. If being a girl is something
you hope to become full time, you have to tell them.

I know its scary as hell. I know the kind of doubts and fears
that seem to circle endlessly around and around your head.
The truth is, if its your hearts desire they are gonna find out sooner or later.
Later always sounds better, but sooner means they'll recover from any shock
or disbelief faster, and sooner means more time to openly be a girl =)

I promise the things you imagine going wrong, are worse than the actual result.
If they care about you they will understand. Maybe not right away, but they will.
If they dont understand, help them to. If they refuse to understand than they
dont really care about you, and as awful as it seems, youre better off without them.
In my experience people are much more understanding when told upfront, then
when they catch you in the act.

People's true nature always come out sooner or later. You can't hide who you are
forever, it tends to just get out. I found starting with one person, say- mom or sis
makes it less scary, and each following chat is much easier, a bottle of wine
never hurts either =P

I wish you the best of luck honey <3
Be yourself, everyone else is already taken!


 If being a girl is something you do once in a while in your spare time,
then being open about it is really up to you. If being a girl is something
you hope to become full time, you have to tell them.

I know its scary as hell. I know the kind of doubts and fears
that seem to circle endlessly around and around your head.
The truth is, if its your hearts desire they are gonna find out sooner or later.
Later always sounds better, but sooner means they'll recover from any shock
or disbelief faster, and sooner means more time to openly be a girl =)

I promise the things you imagine going wrong, are worse than the actual result.
If they care about you they will understand. Maybe not right away, but they will.
If they dont understand, help them to. If they refuse to understand than they
dont really care about you, and as awful as it seems, youre better off without them.
In my experience people are much more understanding when told upfront, then
when they catch you in the act.

People's true nature always come out sooner or later. You can't hide who you are
forever, it tends to just get out. I found starting with one person, say- mom or sis
makes it less scary, and each following chat is much easier, a bottle of wine
never hurts either =P

I wish you the best of luck honey <3  

i know. i just "came out" on my myspace. hopefully enough people will read to where i dont have to go telling everyone in person.

 That makeup is yours and you should take it back. How would you sister feel if you came in and snatched all her makeup?  

actually... as im sure you can understand... it was her make up. i took it. but it wasnt the make up she uses. it was old stuff that was buried under her bed and other various places. so its not like i took something she'd notice missing. or took something she'd need. but still, it was hers. still sucks though.
I know it probably wont mean that much, but Im sure everyone
here is very proud of you!!! (I know I am)

I know the courage that takes, and how hard it is to find.

Once the initial shock of taking that step settles, you may want to
ask yourself this. Would the people you care about most, rather
hear it from you or via the internet/gossip?? It is much harder to
say something of this magnitude face to face, its a terror most people
never have to endure, but if you love them don't you owe it to them??
Wouldnt you hope the people you love would do the same with you??

The conversations will come now no matter what. Its always best to
control your own press =)

Congrats again hun!! <3
Be yourself, everyone else is already taken!

**Copied from what I wrote on Wittle_Bwittany's "Coming Out" Thread**

As I said in the other thread, Im proud to hear youre on your way!

That said, honey be very careful!! I was unaware that you are
still in highschool. For years I was a mathematics substitute . I have
seen first hand how intolerant schools can be, not to mention the
students. I almost never tell a girl to hide who she is, but in this
case sweetie, I would strongly suggest you limit it to your home
and maybe friends, for now. I know that sounds like going back to
lying about who you are, but I really do fear for your safety and mental
well being if you start going to high school en femme. If you plan on going
to college definitely keep it from them til you get in. After that let yourself go girl =)

I am so sorry to say you should hide yourself any more than you
have, I really am. Writing this is actually making me cry, but you
really, really need to think about how cruel kids can be, and know
school administrators can be just as horrid. I have seen them try
and publicly shame students into conformity in ways that should be
deemed out right torture. Many staff members will openly mock you
and/or look the other way/encourage other kids to abuse you mentally
and/or physically. I don't want you to go through anything like that,
it could do long term damage.

One more year of half-boy, half-amazing wouldn't be so bad would it??
It could be like a learning year, getting your mom, sis, and gal pals to
teach you everything you need in preparation for next year. Life is SO
different after highschool and yours can be the one you always wanted =)

Please, Please be careful with this Bwittany!!

 I know it probably wont mean that much, but Im sure everyone
here is very proud of you!!! (I know I am)

I know the courage that takes, and how hard it is to find.

Once the initial shock of taking that step settles, you may want to
ask yourself this. Would the people you care about most, rather
hear it from you or via the internet/gossip?? It is much harder to
say something of this magnitude face to face, its a terror most people
never have to endure, but if you love them don't you owe it to them??
Wouldnt you hope the people you love would do the same with you??

The conversations will come now no matter what. Its always best to
control your own press =)

Congrats again hun!! <3  

i know i should tell them face to face. and i hope that i can soon. i just never get to see any one when im not at school. so its hard to tell them even if i do get the courage to do so.
i am brittany her royal puffiness!!!

im officially in love with the color pink.

*hugs and kisses for all*
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