PG The Sissy Kiss App, Email, and Subscribing Settings
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I wanted to give an update on new stuff coming out for Sissy Kiss.

Princess Kitty said she will try to make an app for Sissy Kiss! We are not sure on the details of what kind of features it will have yet, but it will let you view Sissy Kiss on an iPhone, or Android phone without needing vision better than 20/20 lol.

I've also made a new advanced email, and subscriptions page that many people have asked for. You can see it by pressing the settings tab at the bottom of your screen, and selecting "Email & Subscriptions Settings"

Now you can be emailed when...

* receive a private message.
* ..someone accepts, or sends, or accepts a friend invitation.
* ..someone replies to you in a topic.
* ..someone comments on your Sissy Space, blog, or photo.
* ..someone subscribes to you. 

It's a lot of things to help you keep in touch!

You can also manage all of the members, forums, and topics you have subscribed to!

It was a lot of files, and code to edit lol! I've been getting some emails about minor errors on the site as well, and I'm on my way to address those. I was just busy trying to come out with this.

Luv ya sweeties!
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