PG Sissy Kiss is 5 times faster
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 Hey lovies! I tinkered with the code a bit, and made the post walls load 5 times faster according to my web stats. I know it was so slow. We don't have to worry about that anymore!


I also know haven't made my sissy cappies in a while! New ones will be out this week! I just got super busy, but I'll always be putting out new cappies for sissies when I have the chance because I love making them! 
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 I often thought this was due to loading 3 columns at a time with tons of extra graphics ?
Much faster the old old way loading
just one column in a specific topic area.
Your tinkering has speeded things up a tad bit - thanks !.
~*Christie Luv*~
@ sissywanabe2
  Yes, I check how long it takes for the style, and images to load, and it was milliseconds. It was mostly the code trying to look up how many comments, and replies topics have that was making it slow. lol
Baby Butch
I like what you have done Christie, thanks Baby Butch.

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