PG 13 The SissY Alphabet !
A truly unique rhyming story with pictures: adorable an SO original!
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I was searching for hypnos when I came across this one; it's one of the most special, funny, and hot vids I've seen. I'ts totally PG-13 ( Illustrations) with music and voicover narration.

Do check it out., it's truly lovely! <3

Hope you like it as much as I did! XXOO~Cynthia Anne
Executive Transvestite
& Monster Grrrrrl

Every new day we are granted is a gift, a precious gift. But it's usually tube socks or fruitcake or some crap like that,when all you
REALLY wanted was a Malibu Barbie.

"We're alone in a godless universe. Life is meaningless, death is inevitable. But is that necessarily SO depressing ?
"Brendan Fraser, as 'Eliot', in"Bedazzled"

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 I was searching for hypnos when I came across this one; it's one of the most special, funny, and hot vids I've seen. I'ts totally PG-13 ( Illustrations) with music and voicover narration.

Do check it out., it's truly lovely! <3

Hope you like it as much as I did! XXOO~Cynthia Anne  

I have the picture, but it was wonderful to listen to each letter and meaning being said and told! Great find!
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