Sissy addiction
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Does anyone here think that being a sissy is addicting? Please excuse me as I'm trying to not be offensive. But, I remember that I never wanted to be a sissy, I was originally a dl and that was it. But as I try purge again (I like to keep myself in check, so it doesn't become all consuming like a addiction), I find it hard to do. So, I wonder if being a sissy can be an addiction, like gambling. Though it could be argued that it is far less destructive than other habits. Psych says that things become a problem when they interfere with daily functioning. Does anyone think that being a sissy interferes with their ability to function? I'm not talking about being gay, or gender issues; but stuff like giving up other responsibilities or pleasures to indulge in being a sissy. I'm not trying to be offensive/disrespectful, I'm just wondering if anyone thinks it's becoming to important.
-Sissy Kimi
"I sorta felt like a sissy"
Southern Belle----Poopy Princess
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I don't personally have a problem with it interfering in my daily life, but I believe it has more to do with your personality. If you have a disposition to be addicted to outer things (drugs, gambling, alcohol, etc.) then you might have the same problem with your sissy lifestyle consuming too much. I don't believe purging would help so much as weaning back if you feel it is taking a toll on your life. You don't need to go cold turkey, just give yourself time to find the balance.
sometimes when i run out of nappies i do feel the constant urge to buy more at the store
a new me teehee
I can of understand where you are coming from here, and I think it has something to due with my situation that doesn't allow for much freedom with my sissy side. I have had those moments at work where I do just feel like dropping everything, leaving and putting on a cute outfit and playing for the day. I have those impulses to go out and do crazy things, just to do something sissy. Its not really a huge deal or addiction per say, but I kind of get what you mean by that.

I don't mind it at all, I enjoy it really, because it just tells me I really want this lifestyle and I can't wait to be in a situation when I can do it more ^__^
OP, what's a dl ?

 OP, what's a dl ?  

DL stands for Diaper Lover. It generally applies to someone who enjoys the wearing of diapers but not being cared for like a baby or living the lifestyle associated with ABs. That's why on mist sites you will see the combo AB/DL. Becuase most people(on these sites) fall into one if the two categories.
Sissy Dawn
I can't say I'm addicted (maybe I am I don't know) I live a pretty normal life other then my sissy fetish. I spend one day a week (Sundays) getting dressed up and I have also taken a vacation from work to spend the whole holiday getting dressed up. Like SissyJessy I think about getting dressed up while I am at work, and will do so when I get home that evening. I think I have found a good balance between my real life an alternate life style. I just need to think of a way to tell my girlfriend about it so I can get her involved, if she accepts it, it so embarrassing for me to have this fetish
Dress for the fun and enjoyment

 sometimes when i run out of nappies i do feel the constant urge to buy more at the store  

Jessy, I'm like that too!

Only I never run out of nappies because as soon as I run low I buy more :)

As for the "addiction" thingy, lots of women are addicted to shopping. So those of us with feminine feelings might fall into that trap too. Perhaps self-help groups that deal with shopping addiction, should admit non-biofemmes with that problem as well as biofemmes.

To all my sisters, I've said it before and I'll say it again. DON'T PURGE! You'll inevitably end up spending more money buying a new feminine wardrobe. If you have feminine feelings, you have to live with it and manage those feelings just as gay people manage their gayness.

Sweetness and luv here in my warm wet nappy,

I'd like to echo the suggestion not to purge. Just because you get rid of the clothes and nappies it doesn't mean that you get rid of the desire to use them. That will stay no matter what. If anything that desire will only grow stronger without an outlet for expression and you'll eventually get to the point of buying a wardrobe again and wasting money. Sure, it is feasible to stop if you have superhuman willpower, but very few people do. It is better to learn this now as opposed to later after multiple purgings.

As you said, something is best considered an addition when it impedes normal functioning. Do you forgo social engagements to dress up? Have you spent money on clothes or nappies when you really couldn't afford it? The human brain's dopamine response can cause a person to get addicted to almost any process, and acting like a sissy is no exception. Really though, unless you being a sissy actually is impairing normal functioning (which doesn't sound like the case for you) you probably have nothing to worry about. It just happens to be something that you like a lot, and who wouldn't want to do something that they like a lot as often as they reasonably could?
Angel Von Carnage
I'm sure I have a sissy addiction. I don't think I've got an addictive personality. I've always found it easy to give up things like drink and drugs when I've needed to.

I'm also unable to visit my sissy side whenever I want to and sometimes I try and leave it all behind. Purging is something I definitely do. I'll also stop visiting sites like this.

It lasts for a little while but I always get the urge to come back. It doesn't interfere with my normal life greatly but I will occasionsly try to engineer situations so I can be alone and bring out my sissy side.

To be honest I don't think I'd want to be a sissy 24/7. I'd like a little more time than I have now but I like having a secret alter ego noone knows about.
I think of it as a hobby. If you spend your free time fishing, playing video games or dressing up thats great. If you keep skipping work to fish, play World of Warcraft, or search for the perfect petticoat on the net, its a problem. Its about boundries. Unless you want to be 24/7, its all about choices. (but sometimes its OK to take a sick day and play)
An interesting discussion indeed. No, I don't think my sissyness is an addiction. It is not so much a dependance on an external thing, as an inner part of my being. It has always been a part of me, and will always be a part of me. I have found things much easier to accept as I have grown older, I'm long divorced (not due to my sissyness) with the kids all grown up now. I at last have my own space and will not ever have to purge my sissy clothes again. I am very lucky. But I do sometimes feel a certain decadence about getting into oodles of pink satin frills, getting all made up, and then posing in front of the camera.

A recent surprise was my twenty year old daughter suddenly offering to do my makeup!

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