PG 13 Am I a sissy
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I have been attracted by diapers since I was young. I liked how soft and snugly they looked. I thought I was a dl but since I join this site I have felt a deep desire to be dress and treated like a baby girl. Does this make me a sissy?
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I think you are bit of a Sissy. But then you are in the Company of so many Sissys here:-)

 I have been attracted by diapers since I was young. I liked how soft and snugly they looked. I thought I was a dl but since I join this site I have felt a deep desire to be dress and treated like a baby girl. Does this make me a sissy?'s a sort of "spectrum of sissiness", really. Do you want wear the "girly" things in order to be humiliated or because you have a sense that this is who you really are? Baby Bobby had a discussion about this terms of what makes you gay, a sissy, or just loving humiliation. For example, my "darker" side enjoys the fantasy of being forced into a sissified baby state....and this has actually happened with a loving partner twice or thrice...but in general, I would just describe myself as an ABDL, not a sissy.

Just another perspective, and not really an answer to your very personal question.
You really need to look into, and ask yourself, what it is you like and enjoy. Not what just turns you on, but what makes you happy being in as well. Start figuring it all out what you like and want, and what you dislike and don't want. Not only will you figure out if you are a sissy, but more about what you desire in your sissydom.
Baby Butch
I think you are well on your way to becoming a sissybaby. I have always liked diapers and prefer girls baby clothes. I also enjoy being a baby boy, diapers and a t-shirt for me.

i was once in the same dilema i would say. i will share just a tad bit of my past as a child with u i hope it will give u some guidence but im not going to give u a answer because the answer to the question is up to u and only u.

when i was about 9, i was already into diapers of course my family didnt know i was pretty good about sneaking them. but then i realized how girly i like to b of course started out with just fantasizing about being a baby girl when i wore my diapers but one day i decided to go one step further. i snuck into my sisters bedroom one day and made my way to her dresser and found one of her old nighties. it was very cute and girly and i thought since i never see her wear this anymore and she was getting too big for it i decided to take it. it was a plain lightly colored pink nightie with a ruffled bottom of the shirt not too ruffled but enough to notice. anyways so i snuck out of her room after putting everything back in its place, all except the nightie. later that night i got all dressed up in my diaper and my sisters old nightie and went to sleep sucking on a old paci my mom had put in my memory box from my baby days. it felt soooooooo goood and right that i kept doing it, but it didnt just stop there. after some time had passed from doing this repeatly at night i began to feel like i was different but not in a bad way. it felt so natural to dress up as a baby girl and wear girl clothes i went yet another step forward. i had saved up from some of my allowences and earnings from oddball jobs and went to the store in town and bought a 3 pack of girls panties. i thought since wearing a diaper with girls clothes felt natural maybe this would too. so later that night i tried it. needless to say i was thrilled it felt so right. thats when my days of not only realizing i was a sissy ab and a sissy, but female in mental gender as well. from there i started to pick up girly traits. esp. when i seen some girl in town have a prettier blouse than me. (i didnt go through town dressed up) from there i was getting into cartoons for a female audiences only. by age 12 i had realized im not really a male but yet a female at heart and mind and soul, just trapped in a boys body. anyways the moral of the story is u will find your own path to who u truly r not only from experience but from your heart and soul as well. u just gotta listen closely. btw sorry for the long post didnt mean to go on but its just something i do.
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