Sick day adventure
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I woke up feeling really tired today so I called in sick. (I never call in sick) The first thing I did after I hung up the phone was playfully scold myself. "Only little babies call in sick." So I made myself put on a diaper, plastic panties, and a nightie. I drank a big glass of water and went back to bed.

When I woke up a few hours later I really had to pee. So I just relaxed, rolled over, and had a big "accident" in my diaper. Then I walked over to my computer still in my wet diaper and nightie and went on Sissykiss. Pretty soon I had another accident.

Yes, it's been a good day so far.
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 Sounds like a sick day was just what you needed 
Baby Butch
Everyone needs a day off, to rest and unstress, and be a big baby.
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