PG Is shivering in the cold cute or no?
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I'm very curious about this. Do you think shivering in the cold is cute? I'd like to think so, since it gives off that feeling of girlish frailty we all know and love.
A sissy on ice.
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Having suffered from frostbite in a Michigan winter once upon a time, I'd say: NO to shivering in the cold as being "cute."

Shivering in expectation of a lover's touch or approach, though...that's cute.

 Having suffered from frostbite in a Michigan winter once upon a time, I'd say: NO to shivering in the cold as being "cute."

Shivering in expectation of a lover's touch or approach, though...that's cute.  

To each their own, sez I. If you don't like cold shivering, I'll respect that, no problem.
A sissy on ice.

 To each their own, sez I. If you don't like cold shivering, I'll respect that, no problem.  

And fine by me as well (i.e., the "each to their own").

Anyone else out there? Let's get some chatting going here, people!
Little Bo Peep

 I'm very curious about this. Do you think shivering in the cold is cute? I'd like to think so, since it gives off that feeling of girlish frailty we all know and love.  

One of my favored pastimes on a frosty winter's night, is to get fully dollied up in a pretty bABy dress you know the kind that's so short it shows off the thick diapers you are wearing beneath, and matching accessories like frilly anklets, patent Mary Jane Shoes and pretty satin ribbons in my curly hair.

Around midnight I'll load up on liquids, perhaps apple juice that's been watered down 50/50, about 8 baby bottles usually (2 litres). Then when the pee-pee dance starts about an hour later, I'll leave the safety and warmth of the house and head out into the garden or if I'm feeling very adventurous make the short toddle to the nearby public park, where there are swings and such things.

Then it's fun to shiver about the legs, as the cold winter winds licks at the bare flesh, and the pee pee dance becomes an undeniable urge to wet. I like to see how far from the house I get before I flood uncontrollably, because the of the winter cold and the shivers.

I'll swing away in the dark winter night usually under a clear star filled sky if it's a frosty night, then I'll stay out as long as I can bear it as the cold works it's way over my legs, ankles and thighs, till I'm wetting myself helplessly, like the big baby I know myself to be.

Then it's time to waddle as quietly as possible back to the house, my Mary Jane shoes click-clacking loudly in the stillness of the winter night, watching to see if any of the curtains of the neighbors that overlook the park twitch to see who the prettily dressed girl is that's gone out to play in the park so long after dark.

Playtime in winter can be as much fun as summertime too, well sometimes. So not only is it cute to shiver in the cold, feeling helplessly vulnerable, exposed to the chilling elements in a short baby dress, it's also such innocent fun.

Little Bo Peep
Fancy Free & Frilly
Not following the sheep


Nice response, Little Bo Peep!

And as to whether or not you can have fun in the snow while in diapers (and probably shivering), I offer this image:

I don't find it to be a cute thing either, do to personal experiences. I'd much prefer sissies in ultra-fuzzy sweaters and such than shivering in the cold.
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Not having experienced frostbite or hypothermia first-hand (they're some of the few things you're not likely to be killed by in Australia, hehe!), I like the idea of shivering in the cold and find it feminine and cute. That's just me though  
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