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Heyo! I'm new here, clearly, and from the looks of things, I should mention a couple things about myself. First off, I'm not technically a sissy, although I have enjoyed fantasies where I dress up in a ballet tutu of some sort, complete with pointe shoes. I do love ballet, and ice skating, though with ice skating it's more of a thing that I like seeing them slide around on the ice then get up and shiver because they're soaking wet. I also like seeing diaper play done, and mixing it with ice skating, ballet, or even just sheer freezing cold. I guess that's all, for now.
A sissy on ice.
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So you have diaper ballet fantasies too huh? :) Welcome to the boards!
Baby Butch
Its nice to be warm in the winter time. Put on a thick diaper and plastic pants. Then a pair of flannel pajamas with a babyish print. Welcome to Sissy kiss from a big baby.

 Its nice to be warm in the winter time. Put on a thick diaper and plastic pants. Then a pair of flannel pajamas with a babyish print. Welcome to Sissy kiss from a big baby.  

Thanks for the welcome, both of you! While it may feel nice to be warm in winter, it's lots more fun to shiver, tremble, and listen to your breath shake, voice tremble, and teeth chatter all while watching your breath cloud the air as the snow falls. I, personally, like to think shivering is cute in its own way.

  ................... First off, I'm not technically a sissy, although I have enjoyed fantasies where I dress up in a ballet tutu of some sort, complete with pointe shoes. I do love ballet, and ice skating, though with ice skating it's more of a thing that I like seeing them slide around on the ice then get up and shiver because they're soaking wet.



Ballet tutus yes

Ice skating yes

Deliciously warm and wet diapers yes

Shivering in the cold, not my cup of tea.

Anyway, welcome to Sissykiss!

Sweetness and luv,


Wearing a black 1-pc. woman's bathing suit

 Thanks for the welcome, both of you! While it may feel nice to be warm in winter, it's lots more fun to shiver, tremble, and listen to your breath shake, voice tremble, and teeth chatter all while watching your breath cloud the air as the snow falls. I, personally, like to think shivering is cute in its own way.  

Dear Wolfsbane:

LOVE YOUR NAME! (ever read a werewolf novel called FROSTBITE by David Wellington?...but I digress).

I responded to your other thread re: shivering in the cold and the cuteness factor (or lack thereof).

Don't get me wrong...I love the winter (my second favorite season) the cloud of breath in the morning air while I walk out to pick up the paper....and I have been known to prance around in my diapers and panties with a warm jacket on in the snow.

It's arguable whether such a scene would be cute (to an onlooker).

Welcome to the board! And walk in Beauty,

Welcome to Sissy Kiss.

I'm a sissy baby girl still in diapers, but I've never done ballet.

- Sissy Desiree
- Sissy Desiree

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