PG self conscious
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Hi, I'm a transwoman. I'm in my early thirties and have only been on HRT for about 6 months. I'm Excited about transitioning but I'm really self conscious and wish I had a more feminine expression. When it comes to my voice especially but also my body language and general expression.
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Sissy Missy1
Hi there and warm welkome to SK  Anise  dear  Don't worry so much hon    it will al come   naturally as  you progress  in youre  transition. In the meantime do as  we al Ts do study ord  cis  women's in youre age    body language and how  they act and live their  lives     and try to mimic  that in youre OWN style . Overdoing  things as many of us do in the beginning   (ie  Hyper sissy girly ) will only bring  more  attention to us so  moderately and  it has to feel right  for  YOU as well .    
@ Sissy Missy1
  I often worry that I'll over do it. In part because I want to make sure no one doubts my gender. Also it's a lot of fun to dress and act more femme.
Sissy Missy1
@ Anise
  Believe me dear  most of  us overdid  things  when we started  (giggles  ) . What i meant is if you overdo it you risk even more  exposure on you then if you try to tone it down some NOT al we are after al wimen. Finally BELIEVE me dear i UNDERSTAND were youre at now  dear  and i wish you AL the luck in youre future  transition   & DONT LET ANYONE  take you of course in this road  my dear     
PROUD to be a true born TS woman /  AB girl / > 10 LG /  > 10 Scoolgirl / Prissy Sissy girl /Maid 
> 1950 `s Housewife    

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