PG Romania Blaze on Second Life!
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I'm setting up for Second Life, though I'm not sure if it's really used much, I just heard that there were communities for things like diapers and tg and I'd love to find friends and explore it! My name is RomaniaBlaze.
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Sissy Jenni

 I'm setting up for Second Life, though I'm not sure if it's really used much, I just heard that there were communities for things like diapers and tg and I'd love to find friends and explore it! My name is RomaniaBlaze.  

Hi RomaniaBlaz,  
That's a nice name. I'm in Second Life, as Jenni Matsuo. Uhmm, however I haven't been visiting it much. Still I want to explore it more too.
Sissy Jenni

Maybe someone can help. I've tried to get Second Life Going on my Windows Vista system and it always crashes at the last step. I DL the software, have an account, but it won't run!
with my deepest curtsy for all,
Sissy Renee

Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people.
The Cat: Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad.
Alice: How do you know I'm mad?
The Cat: You must be. Or you wouldn't have come here.
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