Rift: Planes of Telara
Beta Code invite to a new MMO
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Hiya everyone, just thought I'd see if anyone here wanted to try the next phase (Phase 6) of the Beta for a new MMO, Rift: Planes of Telara. I'm not sure I expect anyone here to be interested, but the code I've got is good 25 times so I thought there was no harm in asking.

Just PM me and I'll send the code. Others who are involved with my sissy-side have been given the code and I'm extraordinarily paranoid so I'll put it where Google/search engines can't pick it up.

Its a REALLY fun game. The next phase won't be for a short time, a week or less I think.

If you do want to try, or are already in it, try playing on the Shatterbone Shard (Shard = server) and send a mail message or whisper (if I'm online) my High Elf Cleric (with Druid spec, I have a pet fairy!) Frillymissy or my Defiant character who I'll name in PM if anyone wants to play.

I hope some of you do, its a great game and while you have to download about 7 gigs to play in the latest phases, its well worth it. So, please come and try!
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