PG returned to Sk
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Hi girls so I am not really a newbie I was a member for about a year and for some random reason my profile disappeared. I was upset and personal sitiuation caused me to not have time for sissy kiss. Now things have changed and I have returned as I am trying to be a better even girlier girl. when I first started on sissy kiss a few years back I was still new to what a sissy, Ab and DL and was scared that my attractions to such a life style was a sign of mental illness. Now I am firmly cemented in this identy and have spent much time and money in exploreing it. I know where I am and where I want to go. The only issue is how to get there from here thanks julie bug
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These lovely people support all the features in Sissy Kiss to contribute to our community! So it would help so much if you could check them out, and say your from Sissy Kiss. Some even give discounts, or free gifts by mentioning it!
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Baby Butch
Former members are returning and that is good. Welcome back and pick up where you left off. The site has changed in appearance since the upgrade.

 Former members are returning and that is good. Welcome back and pick up where you left off. The site has changed in appearance since the upgrade.  

I noticed the changes it seems easier to navigate then the old page. Only thing I havent seen that I would like to see is an easy way to form a friendslist on your profile and invite people you message on the boards with to be friends.
Fem Prince C

 I noticed the changes it seems easier to navigate then the old page.  

Welcome back butterflybaby 

 Welcome back butterflybaby   

thanks sweety
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