R Return of a ballerina
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I have been dressing girlie since I was 14. I realised it was something I had to do when I saw my sister in her school play as a fairy in a pink leotard, little skirt, white tights and pink ballet shoes. I wanted to be a fairy with her, in front of all those people showing them what I really was. 

Since then I have been dressing on and off as a sexy smart office girl, as s sexy slut, as a maid and in school uniform. I am more and more being drawn to a look expressing my submission to girliness. Deep down I still want to be a ballerina and having joined up here to meet and chat with others who have taken the same journey I may still become her.

I am not sure Mandi is the right name for who I am becoming (it was Amanda in my 20s). Any thoughts about what this fairy should be called?


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Baby Butch
Welcome to Sissy Kiss, nice to meet you! I find that outfit you described your sister wore in that play to be something I would also like to have. Adult babies can have dress up fun too!

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