PG A reinvention and a new hello!
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Hewwo, everyone!

i've had a SissyKiss account once prior, but was never very active and a lot has changed since then, so I made a new one <3.

my name is Justin, but in my femme/little persona i go by caitlynn, so that's probably what You should call me if not by my screen name.

i have been into gender-bending for many years now, and this last year has been one of intense exploration in that realm for me and my Owners and Playmates. i am now crossdressed about 40% of the time, always as a femme-submissive, and almost always combined with goodnites and ageplay.

While i cherish my femme and little time, i also enjoy my male side, and also the transformation ritual between the two forms, and, as such, i have no plans to transition at this time, although once i am released from my current very demanding employment, my primary Master/Owner and another Owner of mine plan to up the playtime a lot, to where it is the majority of my life.

While i am by all means a crossdresser and a genderqueer/genderfluid, i do not consider myself to be an actual "sissy." i choose not to let go completely of my male side, and while a great deal of my interests interact intensely and deeply with the sissy lifestyle, i think it would be inappropriate of me to say my dedication to the lifestyle is fitting of that title. i identify more closely as a kinkster, genderqueer, and bdsm enthusiast.

i look forward to meeting many new People on here, and hope to have a chance to talk and share with all of You!

as cuddly as can be,
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Baby Butch
Greetings from a big baby who likes to wear diapers. Welcome to Sissy Kiss and enjoy yourself here.
Hello Caitlynn and welcome back!

I too, live in both worlds. I have feminine feelings, but I do guy stuff too.

My real life significant other no doubt would use the word kinky if not kinkster to describe my love of feminine underwear, pantyhose, high heels, skirts, dresses and participating in 5 Little Girl weekends at Rainbow Mountain Resort.

We have a broad spectrum of the transgender community here in ye merrie Sissykiss, so I know you'll fit in.

Peace and Little Gurl Luv,

Fem Prince C
Hi Caitlynn and welcome back
Everybody is different even if some of us more be closer to each other so I wouldn't worry too much about labels.
As the last poster knows I'm more your uniform alg although I have a straighthead female side too.
I also wouldn't feel obliged to take part in every thread or section if that's not you and I wouldn't be speaking out of turn to say not everything here is me (some 'sissy' things sure aren't) but this doesn't matter especially with the thread ratings now.
Just go with what you're comfortable with.
Hugs Jo.
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