All XXX Ranks?
What are the hearts for?
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Under each person are the hearts that seem to rank sissies who are new, recent ect. But i was wondering if these 'ranks' give some sort of privilege or bonus to that sissy? eg. option to change font colour or bold or more features.

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4 posts
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Sorta like awards for posting activity. you are at rank pamper me pretty: u havetwo hearts

I am at Fab Gal Pal: I have three hearts

I like to think of it as the little flags on the fuselages of WWII fighter planes, but that's just my own nonsense.

Most forums have these rankings, it's not really a pecking order, just a quick glance method of showing how active you are; your opinions sometimes carry more weight if you are very active, for example.

 Sorta like awards for posting activity. you are at rank pamper me pretty: u havetwo hearts

I am at Fab Gal Pal: I have three hearts

I like to think of it as the little flags on the fuselages of WWII fighter planes, but that's just my own nonsense.

Most forums have these rankings, it's not really a pecking order, just a quick glance method of showing how active you are; your opinions sometimes carry more weight if you are very active, for example.  

Love the analogy, Cynthia Anne!

I appear to be a Gold Star with seven hearts....hmmmmm.....guess that means I've been a bit active over the past year. Which is a good thing, as this season I will be a bit more sporadic...
I think I still have the minimum hearts. :p I have been a member of the site for a long time but I never really posted much other than a story I wrote.
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