What are your random life quirksironies?
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The Title may sound a little confusing, but maybe me starting will help clarify.

For as much as i like to mess in a diaper, if im using the toilet like normal for number 2 i cant go unless im not wearing any underwear pants or shoes.
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i can walk around with socks and shoes on all day, but when im not wearing shoes i cant stand to have a sock on my right foot but not my left.
Baby Butch
I wore the best diaper for absorbancy (abena x-plus) and a pair of (Babykins) rubber panties. So I figured it was ok to wet the bed. I did after a few beers. How ironic that they leaked and wet my clothes and sheets to some extent.

I guess I should have pointed my "tool" downward first. I usually don't get leaks, lucky for the plastic matress cover.
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