Depends fitted briefs have the plastic outside but are thin.
Tranquility ATN are also plastic outside but they are more absorbant.
Abena X-plus series like M4 or L4 are plastic outside and much thicker.
Drycare Dry 24/7 are the thickest ones I have tried, they make you waddle. They are also white plastic outside and more expensive.
Hello, here is a few places to check out online that sell adult diapers.
They are not as thick as Drycare but are a close second in thickness. My new problem is the Abena X-plus now has very thin white plastic outside that tears too easily. My last order the tapes did not work as well as in the past.
I don't know if they are all that way but my last 2 packages were. When you place the tapes the white tape does not overlap the blue one properly. When you try to untape the diaper it always tears.
Otherwise it is still a very absorbant diaper and some don't try to reuse them if they are not wet. I also heard the Drycare diapers are still not available.
*Hugs Baby Butch*
to a greater extent you will not be able to escape the fact that you are
wearing them because your outer clothing will not accommodate/HIDE
them very well.
A further question have you thought about the NOISE you are going to
make wearing PLASTIC backed or diaper covers with a plastic liner ?
My my what have we here ?!? The more ridged plastic or heavy vinyl
is not going to so forgiving in going about your business QUIETLY !
There is of course the ambient noise covering your moving about *BUT*
when your outer clothing does nothing to hide your over abundance of
under gear and then the sweet crinkle crackle of plastic that falls just
at a time of deafening silence - no where to run (IF YOU COULD) and
no where to hide what you are wearing - Welcome to the world of the
Diapered Sissy - make mine a double and in "PINK" with lots and lots
of ruffled frilly contrasting lace detail and then to prevent further escape
a LOCKING waist band !